Will the CSC™ and HSA Designations still be recognized once the NCSO® is fully implemented?
The NBCSA Construction Safety Coordinator (CSC™) and Health & Safety Administrator (HSA) designations will continue to be recognized in the province.
How can I upgrade from a CSC™ to a NCSO®?
Individuals who currently hold a CSC™ may apply to upgrade to a NCSO®. The requirements for upgrading from a CSC™ to a NCSO® differs depending on the length of time it has been since the CSC designation was received.
The requirements are as follows:
If you have received your NBCSA CSC™ designation within the past three years of your application. The process to upgrade is as follows:
- Complete application
- Attach a copy of your CSC™ certificate
- Include processing fee of $50.00 plus HST
- Sign and attach NCSO® Code of Ethics
- In order to be eligible to receive the NCSO® designation, all required courses must be current at the time of application.
NBCSA must receive your application at a minimum of one month prior to the exam date.
The final step- Obtain a passing grade of 75% or better on the National exam.
If you have received your CSC™ three or more years before applying for the NCSO® you must:
- Complete application
- Provide proof of up to date training (including First Aid)
- Attach proof of participation in COR® Internal Audit
- Attach proof of participation in inspections (copies of Inspection reports)
- Attach proof of conducting a tool box meeting or safety presentation (copy of minutes)
- Sign and attach NCSO® Code of Ethics
- Include a processing fee of $50.00 plus HST
The final step- Obtain a passing grade of 75% or better on the National exam.
I have my NCSO® from another province do I need to do anything else to be recognized in New Brunswick?
Yes –You will need to apply to challenge the New Brunswick provincial exam and remit the application fee.
Will the recognition process be the same for all other Provinces?
Yes, for those associations that are signatory through the CFCSA agreement but you will need to consult with the individual Provincial Construction Safety Associations for their equivalency processes.
Do I have to have my CSC™ in order to receive my NCSO®?
No, once you have met the application requirements and have been approved you can write the NCSO® Exam.
Will I Receive a Certificate?
Once you complete all course requirements and pass the exams you will be issued a three year certificate recognizing your designation with an identification number that will feature the national NCSO® logo. We will also publish names of successful NCSO® recipients on our website and social media outlets. This will help raise awareness of the bank of NCSO® available and will also allow employers to verify a potential employee has a valid designation.
Is there a preparation course offered for the NCSO® Exam?
There is not a preparation course for the NCSO® exam at this time.
What if I do not pass the exam can I re-write?
Unsuccessful applicants must wait a minimum of 90 days before re-writing. A fee of $50 (plus HST) must be paid for each re-write.
When are exams scheduled for?
Exam days are now included in the NBCSA training schedule.
Where will the exams be held?
Locations for exams will rotate between the four major centers that NBCSA holds courses in (Moncton, Fredericton, Saint John and Miramichi). Check the NBCSA training schedule for locations.
Are the exams online or do I have to write them in person?
Exams must be written in person.
How long is my NCSO® designation valid for?
Your NCSO® designation expires after 3 years. To maintain your designation, you will be required to submit updated copies of any completed certificates that have expired from the date you received your designation. It is your responsibility to ensure all documents are valid and submitted to remain in good standing.
What other documentation will I need to provide in maintaining my designation (keep it current)?
You will need to show proof of continuous education/professional and proof of a COR® audit, job site inspections and safety meeting presentations within the past three years. In addition, you must maintain all required educational certificates (including electives). Once your NCSO® expires you will not be able to renew until you complete all maintenance requirements.
What are some examples of continuous education?
- Participation in NBCSA Professional Development Day
- NBCSA courses
- Courses from approved providers
- WorkSafeNB Health & Safety Conference/ Safety Association Conferences
Will NBCSA notify me when my expiry date is getting close?
NBCSA will send out reminder notices within 90 days of expiry. It is your responsibility to keep your personal contact information up to date with NBCSA.
Do I need to have construction experience specifically to apply?
Yes. You will need to have direct construction field experience totalling a minimum of three years within the past 10 years.
What activities are considered as construction?
A construction worker (labourer or skilled construction tradesperson) working directly and actively in the construction field (i.e.: residential, commercial, industrial, road building, pipeline construction, mobile equipment operations, etc.); or, an individual who is directly and actively engaged in safety (i.e. Site Safety Coordinator) or responsible for the supervision (i.e. Site Superintendent) of the construction worker, who also works directly and actively in the construction field on a full time basis.
Training Equivalency?
I have taken courses from a provider that is not a CFCSA member, can I submit my course for equivalency? No. We only accept course equivalencies from provincial associations affiliated with the CFCSA.
How do I get more information?
PO Box 731
Miramichi, NB
Phone: (506)-627-1477
Toll Free: 1-877-382-7233
Fax: (506) 624-9581
Email: roy@nbcsa.ca