National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO®)

The objective of the National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO®) program is to provide verification of a nationally recognized level of competency in relation to construction safety. The NCSO® program will provide practical training in various construction safety management skills and principles.
There are many advantages to having a NCSO® designation. Many employers recognize the NCSO® as a value-added qualification associated with someone who has an interest in pursuing a career in health and safety within the construction industry. Meeting the requirement of the NCSO® designation demonstrates a person’s skill level, education and commitment to workplace safety. The NCSO® has recognized province to province through the provincial Construction Safety Associations that are members of the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA).
If you are an individual who is interested in protecting the health and safety of individuals who work in the construction industry, being an NCSO® is the designation for you.
Click here to download the National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO®) application
The National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO®)
- Acts as a resource person for the company on health & safety issues
- Understands and applies the company’s health & safety program, policies, and procedures for the protection of workers, property, equipment, and the environment
- Recognize, assess, and control/eliminate workplace hazards
- Acts as a liaison for the company with the Occupational Health & Safety Regulatory body and Workers’ Health and Safety Compensation Commission
- Act as a liaison with the company and workers on health & safety issues
- Assess the effectiveness of the health & safety program
- Promote health & safety by setting a good example
How do I advance?
Should you wish to become an NCSO® in New Brunswick, the opportunities are limitless. The designation NCSO® has been accepted across Canada. If you are interested in this type of designation, the work commands respect, not only from your employer and fellow employees, but from government agencies, prime contractors, and construction owners.
Variety and Travel – Where do I go from here?
NCSO® safety professionals are in demand. By having the right tools and the willingness to expand your education, where you go and what you do is limitless. All industries require dedicated people to ensure the health and safety of their workforce.
How do I qualify?
- Complete application click here to download
- Provide proof of up to date training (including First Aid)
- Attach proof of participation in COR® internal Audit
- Attach proof of participation in inspections (copies of inspection reports)
- Attach proof of conducting a tool box meeting or safety presentation (copy of minutes)
- Submit a letter from your employer or detailed resume that demonstrates your industry experience (minimum of 3 years)
- Sign and attach the Code of Ethics.
- Include a processing fee of $50.00 plus HST
The application must be received by NBCSA at a minimum of one month prior to the exam date
Once your application has been received and reviewed- NBCSA will notify you of your eligibility to write the exam.
Please note: As per the CFCSA Exam guidelines – Once it is identified that an applicant is eligible to challenge the National exam, they must do so (successfully) within a 24 month period.
Renewal of Designation
The NCSO® designation expires after three years. To maintain your designation, you will be required to submit updated copies of any completed certificates that have expired from the date you receive your designation. It is your responsibility to ensure all documents are valid and submitted to remain in good standing. In addition, you will need to show proof of continuous education/professional development and proof of COR® audit within the past three (3) years.