Construction Safety Coordinator (CSC™) Designation Program – PROVINCIAL STANDARD

NBCSA Construction Safety Coordinator (CSC™) designation program provides verification at a provincially recognized level of competency in construction health and safety. Designed to develop and/or enhance health and safety training and auditing skills, the program’s primary goal is to expose participants to the fundamentals of construction safety management and to build upon personal field experience. This designation will assist individuals in becoming more marketable in today’s workforce.
The CSC™ program will provide practical training in various construction safety management skills and principles. Persons who achieve the CSC™ designation will have a combination of formal training and 3 years practical field experience in the safety/construction industry. Successful participants can provide valuable support to employers in the implementation and maintenance of a company’s comprehensive health and safety program.
Click here to download the Construction Safety Coordinator (CSC™) application
Is the CSC™ Program for Me?
If you are interested in protecting the health and safety of individuals in the construction industry and plan to work in the province of New Brunswick being a CSC™ may be the designation for you.
Variety and Travel
By having the right tools and the willingness to expand your education, where you go and what you do is limitless as all industries across Canada require dedicated people to ensure the health and safety of their workforce.
The NBCSA CSC™ can be used as a stepping stone to gain National Recognition through the NCSO® program.
If you wish to work outside of the province of New Brunswick and meet all of the eligibility requirements you may want to consider applying for your National Construction Safety Officer designation (NCSO®).
What does a CSC™ do?
- The CSC™ acts as a resource person for the company on health & safety issues
- Understands and applies the company’s Health & Safety program, policies, and procedures for the protection of workers, property, equipment, and the environment
- Recognize, assess, and control/eliminate workplace hazards
- Act as a liaison for the company with the Occupational Health & Safety Regulatory body and Workers’ Health and Safety Compensation Commission
- Act as a liaison with the company and workers on health & safety issues
- Assess the effectiveness of the health & safety program
- Promote health & safety by setting a good example
How do I Qualify
- Complete Application
- Provide proof of up to date training (including First Aid)
- Attach proof of participation in COR® internal audit
- Attach proof of participation in inspections (copies of Inspection reports)
- Attach proof of conducting a tool box meeting or safety presentation (copy of minutes)
- Submit a letter from your employer or a detailed resume that demonstrates your industry experience (minimum of 3 years)
An application must include a processing fee of $50.00 plus HST.
Applications must be received by NBCSA at a minimum of one month prior to the exam date.
Once your application is received and reviewed- NBCSA will notify you of your eligibility to write the Provincial general knowledge exam.
Upon successful completion of the CSC™ general knowledge exam (passing grade of 75% or better), your CSC™ certificate will be mailed to you at your home address. (If the company that the person is working for is paying for the designation then we usually mail the invoice and certificate to the company with the attention of the applicant/student)